Building a Global Culture of Peace

Education for Peace Globalnet Meeting
VI International Holistic Conference


Findhorn – Scotland
September 25th October 2nd, 2004


Welcome to Findhorn!

Any changes to the information in this Guide will be announced and posted on the Conference notice board in the Community Centre and in Cluny Reception. Please check this board regularly during the week for any changes that might affect you. The Conference Information Desk is also in the Upper Foyer.

Name Badges

Your name badge, given to you at Registration, is your entry ticket to ALL events. Please wear it at all times. If you lose or misplace it, please let your host  know.

Park and Cluny Hosts

Your Host for Cluny and for the Park will be introduced to you at the beginning of the week. They will help you with any problems that you may have. You can find them at meal times in the Community Centre at The Park and in the Dining Room at Cluny.


At The Park - available at the General Office: stamps, laundry tokens, phone cards, fax, photocopying, coin-operated phone (number for incoming calls: 44 - (0) 1309  690311).

At Cluny - available at Cluny Reception: stamps, postcards, laundry tokens, money changing (travelers cheques, foreign exchange and cheques), photocopying, buying candles and crafts on display in the hallway. You may also arrange to leave valuables in the safe. Phone number—for messages only—through Reception is: 44 - (0) 1309 672288. Phone numbers for the pay phones—for incoming calls to talk at prearranged times—are: 44 - (0) 1309 672584, or 676804.


This is delivered where you stay. Please collect it from either the General Office at The Park or the mail wheel at Cluny Hill College.

Fax and Photocopying

Facilities for fax and photocopying are available. Please see the receptionist in the General Office in The Park or at Cluny Reception.


Please refer to the bus schedule  provided. Whenever there is a scheduled event , transport is provided between Cluny Hill College and The Park. Buses run on time, so please be prompt! Any changes will be announced and posted on the Conference notice boards.


Costs are about £9 between Forres and The Park and £35 to Inverness Airport.

Acorn: (01309) 675404 & 672085          Alma: 0800 614596 & 691149  
Denny’s: 0800 834233 & 672180 Forres:   (01309)672353
Mundole:(01309) 673168


Lunch will be provided for everybody in the Community Centre at the Park . Dinner for those accommodated at Cluny Hill will be provided at Cluny.
Those living in Foundation accommodation at The Park will find breakfast supplies in their bungalows or caravans. Further supplies can be obtained from the Food Shed. Breakfast is provided at Cluny for those staying there.

Meal Times

The Park  Cluny
Breakfast  Eat at home 7.30-8.30 am
Lunch  12.30 pm 12.30 pm
Dinner 6.00 pm 6.00 pm (Fri 6:15 pm)

Blue Angel Café ( Universal Hall)

Our must-visit cafe will be open through the day and in the evenings until late.

Cluny Front Door

Cluny front door is closed around 11pm. The door code is 1-2-3.


Smoking is not permitted within any Foundation building except in the Smokers’ Bar at Cluny. If you smoke outside please use the disposal trays for cigarette ends.

Home Groups

We ask you to attend the three scheduled Home Group meetings. They  are there to make you feel at home and deepen your experience  of the event. Led by people who live here, the Home Groups give an opportunity for you to share how the week is going for you and enable you to get to know and network with others outside the plenary sessions.


Group meditations are held every day in the sanctuaries. You are welcome to join these meditations if you wish. Outside of these times, all sanctuaries are available for private meditation and prayer 24 hours a day.

Group Meditations Park Main Sanctuary Cluny Sanctuary
Monday - Friday 06:30 - 7-30 (silent) 06:30 - 7:30 (silent)
08:35 - 08:55 08:15 - 08:35
17:40 - 18:00 17:40 - 18:00
Saturday 08:35 - 08:55 08:35 - 08:55 

Please leave your shoes in the lobby outside the sanctuary door.
When a red light shows by the sanctuary door a group meditation is taking place. Please do not enter if the red light is on. If you attend a group meditation, please stay for the full length of the meditation so that there are no interruptions. Please note that sounds travel clearly into both sanctuaries, so be aware when passing by these areas.

Taizé Singing

These are devotional songs from the ecumenical community of Taizé in France and from other places. There is Taizé singing each weekday morning at both Cluny and The Park. At The Park in the Upper Community Centre: Monday - Friday from 08:00 - 08:25. At Cluny in the Sanctuary: Monday - Friday from 07:45 - 08:05.


The washing machines work with a token. Tokens are available at the General Office at The Park and from Cluny Reception and the Cluny shop. Please note that Park and Cluny washing tokens are not interchangeable. The dryers at The Park require 20p coins and at Cluny 50p/ £1.

Laundry opening times:

Park Laundry                           Cluny Laundry
Mon, Thurs, Fri 14:00 - 21:00 Mon - Fri: 
12:00 - 14:00 
& 17:00 - 22:00
Tue & Wed 09:00  - 21:00
Saturday 12:00 - 22:00
Sunday 10:00 - 22:00


A wide selection of books, tapes, crafts, natural remedies and toiletries are available at the Phoenix Community Stores at The Park. There is a small shop in Cluny Hill College that sells books, gifts, crafts, music and snacks. Shop opening times:

Phoenix  Cluny Shop
Saturday 10:00 - 17:00 See shop door for opening times
Sunday 12:00 - 17:00
Monday 10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 13:30 - 18:00
Wed - Friday 10:00 - 18:00

Shops in Forres: Most shops are open from 9:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00  except Sundays and public holidays. Some shops are closed on Wednesday afternoon. Banks and Post Offices are usually open between 9:15 and 16:45 from Monday to Friday.

Shops in Findhorn Village: There is a general shop which is open every day and contains a newsagent and a Post Office. (The Post Office is closed Wednesday afternoon, Saturday afternoon and Sunday.)

Complementary Health Services

A number of Foundation and Community members work professionally as Complementary Health Practitioners and offer a variety of services and techniques. Information is available in a directory in the Lower Foyer of the Hall. You can arrange sessions with them privately.

Cluny Sauna

The sauna is open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings from 17:00 - 22.00. The cost is £2. You can choose to wear a swimming costume, but be aware other people may not. Towels are provided.

Station House Sauna

The sauna is open on Wednesday and Friday evenings from 17:00 - 22.00. The cost is £3. You can choose to wear a swimming costume, but be aware other people may not. Bring your own towel. Station House is situated in Findhorn village, next to the Kimberley Pub.

The Universal Hall Hot Tub

For healing on all levels whenever you wish, we are pleased to offer the Universal Hall Hot Tub to conference participants.  Located in the rear courtyard of the Universal Hall with changing rooms opposite the downstairs loos.  Open 5-11:30pm during the week.  £3 per soak, plus 50 pence if you use one of our towels (payable only once if you keep the same towel all week). Bathing costumes (or comparable) welcome but NOT required.  £10 membership for the week.  At these prices, simply the best deal in town!

The Living Machine and Cluny Toilets

The Park community has a wonderful ecological sewage treatment plant, the Living Machine, that needs your cooperation and consideration. Cluny has a very old waste system needing equal consideration. Please do not flush any inorganic material down the toilets (apart from the toilet paper) — this includes sanitary products in particular! They will block the pumps and prevent the Living Machine from functioning in The Park, or create a sewage back-up in Cluny. Thank you for your care.

Staying On

If you would like to stay in the Foundation for another week and take part in one of our guest programmes, you are very welcome. Please contact the Bookings Office on 691653 by Wednesday at the latest. We regret that we cannot offer accommodation after the conference except to those who take part in one of our programmes. A list of Bed & Breakfasts is available from the Information Desk.


On Saturday 2nd October we have another group of guests coming to participate in our programmes. We would appreciate your help in the following ways. We ask you to vacate your accommodation by 9am as people will be coming to clean. Please change your bed linen and tidy where appropriate. At The Park dirty linen can be placed in a pile in the kitchen. You may put your luggage in the hallway of the Community Centre. At Cluny dirty linen can be placed in a pile in the corridor outside your door. Your luggage may be put in the Cloakroom on the ground floor.

Conference participants are welcome to stay and have lunch with us on Saturday.

Booking Information:
International booking:
Phone: +44(0)1309 690311

Brazilian booking:
Phone: 55(61)224 7818

For further information:
The Conference Office
The Findhorn Foundation, The Park,
Findhorn, Forres IV36 3TZ
Phone: +44(0)1309 690311

Supported by:

Willis Harman House – Triom (Publisher and Study Centre) – Taygeta (Publisher and Consultancy)

The Findhorn Foundation is one of the founders of the Global Network of Ecovillages and an NGO registered at the UN Department of Public Information.

Building a Planetary Culture