IVOH - Images and Voices of Hope
IVE - Imagens e Vozes de Esperança


It is an international dialogue that started in 1999 promoted by Visions for a Better World Foundation, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University and SIGMA - Program for Social Innovations in Global Management at Case Western Reserve University. It is a global project that creates a space for the reflection about the impact caused by messages transmitted to society.


It stimulates the production of a constructive content through appreciative dialogues directed towards professionals in the fields of communication, advertising, photograph, literature, design, movie, video, music, visual arts, dance and people who act in citizen projects.


Brahma Kumaris


Brígida Fríes

City: Sao Paulo         Country: Brazil

Email: brifries@uol.com.br   Website: www.ivofhope.org 


Education for Peace Globalnet
redepaz@redepaz.org - www.redepaz.org