Redepaz » Meeting 2002  » Program 
Photos Peace and Global Citizenship Program Organizers


For the 2002 edition we will have two blocks of activities.

Days 7 to 9
Two hundred reports on projects and many interactive activities.

October 7th
Reports on projects related to schooling and teachers training including  global education, body awareness, art, ethics, conflict solving, environment and spiritual education.

October 8th

Reports on projects concerning communication, media, cultural production, telecommunication, exchange programs.

October 9th

Reports on projects dealing with family, community development, international communities,

Days 10 to 11
Open sessions for the larger public with two master conferences and four panels focussed on the contribution of the world religions, media, international organisations, and educational institutions to Build a Culture of Peace and Develop Planetary Citizens.

October 10th
One conference, two panels: world religions - international organisations, and four working groups on Education, Culture and Global Governance.

October 11th
One conference, two panels: media - educational institutions, and four working groups on the Construction of a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence.

Recommendations for policy making, international co-operation, and global action will be presented to the United Nations Agencies, as well as to  Governments and NGOs.



Building a Planetary Culture